Convening Community Health Centers
The Association convenes the community health centers of Washington State to collaborate and advance health care access and outcomes. By working together, community health centers exchange ideas, identify shared concerns, and develop solutions that benefit patients.

Emergency Preparedness
Emergency preparedness support services help to facilitate peer-to-peer linking among members to share best practices and lessons learned as well as provide access to training and technical assistance.
Contact Terri Blazell-Wayson, Administrative Coordinator, for further information.
Health Equity
The Association provides opportunities for health center staff to discuss issues providing services to underserved populations to identify common themes.
We offer training and technical assistance, with a special focus on supporting Community Health Workers.
Contact Patricia Gepert, Health Access Coordinator, for further information.
Data Analysis
Our data projects are designed to assist The Association's Practice Transformation, Workforce Development, and Policy teams in their efforts to serve the community health centers of Washington State.
Contact Karie Nicholas, G.C., M.A., Data Analyst, for further information.
Group Purchasing Program
Our purpose is to assist community health centers with saving resources, staff time and money by combining their collective purchasing power to purchase high quality products and services at preferential prices. All members of the Washington Association for Community Health, as well as the Alaska and Oregon Primary Care Associations are eligible to receive discount pricing negotiated by The Association’s Group Purchasing Program staff.
Contact Terri Blazell-Wayson, Group Purchasing Coordinator, for further information.