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Improving Business Continuity Planning at FQHCs

The unprecedented effect of COVID-19 on health center operations has emphasized the importance of business continuity planning in emergency preparedness.


The Association and  BSI EHS Services and Solutions joined together on September 23, 2020 to help FQHCs learn how health centers can build out their existing business continuity plans. Sections of the workshop were lecture-based to provide an overview of the business continuity planning process, considerations, and mandates, such as CMS planning requirements. The remainder of the workshop was driven by participant priorities determined by polling during registration. BSI shared a BCP maturity scale for attendees to take back to their health centers to assess their own program. Following the workshop, BSI will provide “office hours” to review health centers’ business continuity plans. 

BSI EHS Services and Solutions, the event presenter, requests that the webinar recording, slides and handout only be shared within your health center. Please do not share them with other individuals or organizations.

Access to learning event materials:

If you have questions, or need assistance accessing materials, please contact Patricia Gepert, Health Access Coordinator at the Association. 

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